Death may be scary, but overall, it can be a beautiful thing. We as humans are now programmed to fear death because that’s how we as humans have evolved; we’ve grown and taught ourselves that death is something to be dreaded. We need to unlearn this and teach ourselves not to fear death because it doesn’t have to be as unsettling as we all think.
In the book ‘Being and Time’ written by Martin Heidegger, he writes “Dasein's coming to an end, and which, as such, gives to it its wholeness.” (Heidegger, 1926:284). The term ‘Dasein’ Heidegger uses is the german word for existance, Heidegger is saying existance and life for every individual living thing will always, eventually come to an end, and because of this end, it makes everything living ‘whole’, once we have lived and fulfilled our lives, however long or short, we become whole. When we’ve learnt and expeirenced everything that was meant for us, we become complete, and this even includes death.